Internal Link Finder


  • PHP 5.6 or greater is recommended. It is good practice to update the PHP version before the end-of-life where that version is no longer supported even with security fixes.
  • WordPress 3.0 or greater is recommended. Versions before 3.0 are untested and may have compatibility issues.
  • In wp-config.php define( WP_DEBUG’, false ); If debug displays errors on a live production site animations will not work and other scripts may break.
  • The latest version of the plugin (premium or standard) is highly recommended.
  • Internal Link Finder should work with all themes out of the box but we highly recommend making sure that your theme is updated to the latest version.
  • Some features are only available with the premium version of the plugin Please check below documentation to ensure the feature you are using is available on your version of the plugin.
PHP 5.6 or greater is recommended before installation
  1. Navigate to the plugins menu.
  2. Search for ‘Internal Link Finder’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’ followed by ‘Activate’
  4. You’ll now be able to use Internal Link Finder on the frontend of your website. Please ensure you are logged in as an admin or editor to use the plugin.
Updating to a new version

Always back up your website prior to updating the plugin. We test release updates thoroughly but we are humans and sometimes we miss things. Please ensure that you have a recent backup of your site in which you can restore to incase of any problems.
